Crimson Catacombs Day 4

Fourth day!

In addition to finalizing some design philosophies behind how I plan to spend the next few days, I got a major section of the game done today - the way it generates levels. This was always planned to be a roguelike, and now I've put together a system that reads .txt files to create the levels in a very simple, streamlined method. This build is just meant to show off the hollow level layouts but jUsT wAiT uNtIl ThEy HaVe AcTuAl GaMe ElEmEnTs In ThEm!

I'll also be a little less vague about my intentions with Crimson Catacombs... another time... but I tried writing out my thoughts now but I'm posting this late enough already and I 


Crimson Catacombs Day 2.2 MB
Jul 06, 2021

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